“Hypermnesia” means an exaggerated capacity for memory. It is a constructed world in which memory, images, technology and nature are inseparably fused into a hybrid landscape. In the videowork we wander through the spaces of this world in three chapters.
HYPERmnesia is the dissection of the screen surface. This is not text but pixels behind glass. This is where HYPERmnesia begins: a sensual exploration of a world in which memory, landscape and their pictorial medialization collapse. A hike, a scanning of a forest surface, a high-resolution recording of the past and its threads, pipes and pipelines into the future. The further one moves through the thicket, the stronger the suspicion grows that one is only moving on a screen.hypermnesia is the dissection of the screen surface. This is not text but pixels behind glass. This is where hypermnesia begins: a sensual exploration of a world in which memory, landscape and their visual medialisation collapse. A walk, a scan of a forest surface, a high-resolution record of the past and its rivers and pipelines into mass memory. The further one gets into the thicket, the more the suspicion grows that one is only moving on a screen.